Triple P – Positive Parenting Program ®


What is Triple P?

Triple P – Positive Parenting Program® is one of the world’s most effective parenting programs. Triple P works by giving parents the skills to raise confident, healthy children and teenagers, and to build stronger family relationships. It also helps parents manage misbehavior and prevent problems occurring in the first place. But it doesn’t tell people how to parent. Rather, it gives them simple and practical strategies they can adapt to suit their own values, beliefs and needs.   


Join other parents online with a Triple P accredited facilitator.


What are online drop-in Teen Triple P discussion groups?

Traditionally, Teen Triple P Discussion Groups are a series of in-person parent discussions on commonly encountered problems such as getting teenagers to cooperate, coping with teenagers’ emotions, reducing family conflict, and building teenagers’ survival skills. The discussion groups are designed to provide an overview of the positive parenting principles for all parents followed by topic-specific discussions.  Parenting during a global pandemic sometimes feels impossible.  To provide support for parents of teenagers during these uncertain times, Triple P International has provided resources that allows providers of Triple P to temporarily deliver services in an online format.   

When are drop-in discussions held?

Online Teen Triple P Drop-In Discussion Groups will be held weekly on Thursday evenings from 7:30–8:30 p.m, starting August 20, 2020.  

Who can attend?

Parents and caregivers of preteens and teens who are looking for support from other parents as well as positive parenting tools and tips to address a variety of challenges they are experiencing.

What happens during the drop-in sessions?

Drop-in sessions are designed to be open, casual and support parents address common challenges including, but not limited to:  rude, disrespectful behavior, coping with teenagers’ emotions and reducing family conflict.  Topics include establishing and maintaining family routines, answering difficult questions, helping teenagers tolerate uncertainty and practicing consistent self-care.

Do I have to attend all the sessions?

No.  You can attend whichever sessions are most convenient for your schedule.  Topics will vary from week-to-week.  We strongly recommend pre-registering so you can be notified of any changes in schedule.

Sign Up Today for a Drop-in Discussion

Register Here        Teen Triple P Flyer


TCC Triple P Specialist |  Janna McGuire –


What is Group Teen Triple P?

A broad-based parenting intervention that is:

  • delivered in an in-person classroom over 8 weeks
  • for parents of 12-16 year-olds interested in promoting their pre-teen/teenager’s development and potential
  • for parents who wish to address concerns about their teenager’s behavior

The program involves:

  • five (2-hour) group sessions for up to 12 parents
  • Three individual sessions (between 15-30 minutes) with the Triple P instructor
  • active participation in range of exercises to learn about
    • influences on adolescent behavior
    • setting specific goals
    • using strategies to promote a teenager’s skills development, manage inappropriate behavior, and teach emotional self-regulation
  • how to plan around risk-taking behavior and risky situations.

Who can sign up?

Parents or caregivers who:

  • have concerns about their teen’s mild to moderate level behavioral problems
  • wish to prevent behavioral problems from developing
  • have completed lower level interventions and have not achieved the goals 
    they want
  • can commit to all eight sessions.

Find Other Triple P Opportunities

TCC and the City of Tempe partner to bring together their Triple P specialists and classes to offer one-stop place to find classes for parents with children of all ages.  View links to other opportunities to complete your parenting education.

Group Teen Triple P
Elementary Age (offered via the City of Tempe website)
Triple P National Website

For further connections join us on our Triple P group page on Facebook